The Dragon Ball Super Saiyan ASST 35855 is an exhilarating assortment of action figures inspired by the iconic characters from the renowned Dragon Ball Super series. This collection typically features a variety of Saiyan warriors in their Super Saiyan forms, including popular characters like Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and more. Each figure is intricately detailed and accurately captures the dynamic poses and fierce expressions of the characters as they unleash their incredible powers. With its diverse selection of figures, fans can recreate epic battles from the series or create their own imaginative showdowns between their favorite Saiyan heroes and villains. Whether displayed as collectibles or used for action-packed play, the Dragon Ball Super Saiyan ASST 35855 offers fans of all ages the opportunity to immerse themselves in the thrilling world of Dragon Ball and unleash their inner Saiyan warrior.